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Pregnancy Week by Week

This Resource will be give presentation about week by week baby born, with picture and resource about each week. Remember that every pregnancy is different, and growth rates vary, so always read one week on either side of your estimated pregnancy stage. If you have any questions, please check with your healthcare provider.

Week 1 of 40

It may seem odd to begin counting the weeks of your pregnancy with your last menstrual period, but since most women are not aware of the exact day they conceived their baby, it makes sense. Many women can, however, remember the day their period started, so it makes a clear starting point for determining your baby’s due date. It can be a bit confusing to remember to begin counting from when your period starts and that in reality you don’t become pregnant until about 2 weeks later. For example, if your doctor or midwife says you are 12 weeks pregnant (from your LMP), then you conceived approximately 10 weeks ago.

This is your warm-up week. If you're planning your pregnancy, you should begin by pretending you are already pregnant. This means a healthy diet, prenatal vitamins with folic acid, and abstinence from drugs, smoking, and other poisonous substances.

This obviously does NOT mean abstinence from sex! If you already know you're pregnant, skip ahead to the appropriate week.

Week 2 of 40

This week of pregnancy begins one week after the start of your last menstrual period. Your last period is finished now and the hormones estrogen and progesterone are causing your uterus to build a new layer of endometrium (your uterine lining) to prepare for your soon-to-be-conceived baby. This lining thickens and becomes engorged with blood, ready to receive, cushion and nourish your baby. At the same time, one of your ovaries is growing and ripening an egg, in preparation for ovulation.

About fourteen days before the beginning of your next menstrual period, POP! Ovulation occurs! The ovary releases the ripened egg, and the egg moves down into the fallopian tube to wait for her one true mate, a handsome hearty sperm.

Week 3 of 40

Big action! Ovulation! Conception!
At the beginning of this week, the main event happens. Just 265 days to go, and you'll have a beautiful baby boy or girl (or maybe a few of each).

Do you remember this day? Some women know when they're ovulating, others do not. It's a good idea to keep a pregnancy journal to track important milestones in your pregnancy.

Conception Defined
Conception occurs when a sperm fertilizes a ripe egg (the ovum) inside the fallopian tube (the tube that connects the ovaries to the uterus). The genetic material inside the sperm and egg becomes a blastocyst of rapidly dividing cells which forms and moves down the fallopian tube into the uterus. After about five days, the blastocyst implants itself in the soft uterine lining.

Week 4 of 40

During this week, the newly-implanted ball of cells are growing very rapidly, multiplying and grouping together. It divides into two parts, one becoming the placenta and the other becoming your baby. Different layers of cells are forming, which develop into specialized parts of your baby’s body. These three germ layers are the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. The amniotic sac and the amniotic cavity will begin to form and the yolk sac has also appeared. The yolk sac will later give rise to your baby's digestive tract. Your tiny little one is undergoing many great changes. A home pregnancy test may show a positive at the end of this week. Many tests can provide positive results as early as 10 days after conception, but you may want to wait a few days for more accurate results.

You should be avoiding all medications (even over-the-counter and herbal ones), unless you've checked with your doctor or midwife about their safety during pregnancy first. Many things that are safe for you when you’re not pregnant can hurt your baby now. Some cold medications, sinus drugs and pain-relief products can cause problems for you and your developing baby.

Week 5 of 40

You're Late!
Your period is late now and you are probably beginning to suspect that you’re pregnant. If you have taken a home pregnancy test, you most likely have already gotten a positive result. Some women don’t have a positive until a week or more down the road, so don’t be disappointed if your result was negative. If your period hasn’t shown up within a few days, then you should re-test, because your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) levels rise as your pregnancy progresses and become easier for home pregnancy tests to detect.

You may feel sick to your stomach and begin vomiting, as the dreaded “morning sickness” kicks in. Usually this happens only in the morning (or is worse earlier in the day), but some women have to deal with it the entire day and even into the night. On the positive side, recent studies have shown that morning sickness can be a sign of a healthy pregnancy. But, if you feel fine, don’t worry, just count yourself as one of the fortunate few who don’t have to deal with this miserable pregnancy symptom.

Week 6 of 40

Baby’s first heartbeats have begun! An exciting moment for every parent. The baby is now officially an embryo and is about 1/17 of an inch in length. The growth rate during week 6 is very strong. The umbilical cord now develops, too. The little baby’s body is forming quickly. The eyes and ears begin to develop as well as the mouth is finding its spot. The heart has begun to pump blood through the little body and most of the other organs are “under construction”. Little buds are forming on the little body that will eventually become baby’s arms and legs.

Nausea is usually hitting you during week 6 and is accompanied with constant morning sickness. The first cravings for certain food will make it onto your mind. Again – your mileage may vary, as not every woman has to deal with morning sickness or nausea. If you haven’t already – stop smoking and you should stay away from consuming any alcohol. If you are taking certain medications and drugs, you should immediately consult with your doctor. Time for the first prenatal doctors appointment if you have not scheduled one yet. Most doctors ask you not to come into their office before week 6.

Pregnancy Week 1 until Week 6
Next >> Pregnancy Week 7 until Week 14
Pregnancy Week 15 until Week 23
Pregnancy Week 24 until Week 32
Pregnancy Week 33 until Week 40