The complete information about baby growth progress month by month with all explanation according to baby development.
Please keep in mind, that all babies are unique. Whether your baby reaches milestones early or late, she has her own developmental path to follow. The dividing lines between these months are very fuzzy. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s development, please check with her health care provider.
Many believe the end of the third month is a milestone for parents. Often baby has settled, meaning she has developed a routine of sleep, feeding and play. Baby is now very clear about her cues. You will probably find yourself telling people all about how your baby’s particular habits, likes and dislikes. This knowledge is important for all parents, including those thinking about childcare.
The Transition
Clear communication with the childcare provider is very important. You are the expert of your baby. Establishing and maintaining a predictable schedule is especially important for a baby in child care. Write down what you know about your baby’s schedule including sleeping and feeding patterns.
Does baby like to be sung a certain lullaby when she is falling asleep? Does she only drink breast milk or a particular formula? Does she like to go on a morning walk? Does she like to be held a certain way? Does she need to be burped right after she eats?
Explain these predictable parts of baby’s day for the sitter or nanny to continue. With such a routine, when babies know what happens next, they feel secure and safe. Having this security as a foundation is important for baby to feel confident so she can stretch out, explore her world and learn.
I know you!
At this age, babies can start to recognize people and special objects. Some babies have a specific blanket or soft toy that they regard as a lovie. If so, bring it to the childcare setting for her to hold when she needs to be comforted. You may even want to leave a photograph of mommy and daddy and any other special members of the family, such as a family pet, for baby to hold.
When baby misses mommy during the day, having a photo to gaze at can be very comforting. She may not make the connection yet, that the smiling woman in the photo is mommy, but she will soon. These tools are also helpful for the childcare provider when she needs to comfort baby.
Growing Stronger
You may notice baby being able to hold up her head steadily when upright. She also, when on her tummy, may be holding herself up at 45 degrees, some even at 90 degrees. Try holding her upright on her feet. Does she bear some weight for fleeting moments on her feet? While you are playing with baby, put in her in different positions -- supporting her while sitting, standing against your chest, on her back under a dangly set of toys and on her tummy. There may be more positions that you know she likes. Each one gives her a different vantage point on her world while helping her grow and develop strong muscles.
The Real First Toys
A wonderful discovery for baby this month are two very practical toys -- her hands. They move, can be easily seen, have funny little fingers and easily fit in her mouth. Baby will start out playing with her hands by moving them, wiggling her fingers and watching them intently.
Bringing both hands to her midline and clasping is another discovery. Soon after, baby realizes her hands can be used as a tool. She can use them to touch interesting objects. When mom and dad show her a toy, she will discover that she can hold onto it with her hands. She may move her hand while holding a rattle and hear the distinctive sound. She may look at you as if to say, "Did I do that?"
This is the beginning of cause and effect. She is developing that part of the brain where she learns that she can make things happen. She will then probably try to put the rattle in her mouth. This is all part of exploring and learning what she can do.
Mirror, Mirror
For a real treat, prop baby in front of the mirror. Some babies lie on the backs or tummies and gaze for many minutes at their reflection. Others squeal and laugh. Mirrors are a wonderful toy for babies to learn about themselves. You can support her by talking to her about what is seen. Point out her nose, head, eyes. She will love the attention and will surely smile back at her beautiful face.
Baby Growth Progress : Month 1st
Baby Growth Progress : Month 2nd
Baby Growth Progress : Month 3th
Next >> Baby Growth Progress : Month 4th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 5th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 6th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 7th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 8th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 9th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 10th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 11th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 12th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 13th-15th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 16th-18th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 19th-21st
Baby Growth Progress : Month 22th-24th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 25th-27th
Baby Growth Progress : Month 28th-30th